Hi, I'm Niamh

For over 20 years now I’ve helped people improve their health, firstly as a chartered physiotherapist and in the last 6 years with Energy Healing Therapy.  Through this medium I’ve helped facilitate people and their energy to flow in it’s most optimum way. 

I’ve experienced and observed how helping the energy to flow starts and continues a process whereby the person reconnects back to themselves, their essence and their real self.  

This not only helps improve their health and well being, but also helps begin and continue to heal relationships, not just with others but towards themselves. I’ve observed that most people neglect compassion towards themselves, and hence abandon who they truly are.

 Working with energy and feeling within the body allows a person to make bold leaps towards freeing themselves from old ‘stuff’ and negative patterns, especially negative behaviour patterns.

 I’ve been a natural empath for as long as I can remember and this wasn’t so easy to deal with in my younger years. I was very sensitive to the energy fields of others and tried to push that sensitivity away.

Our past can remain stored in the body as old hurts and wounds but it has the potential to be switched to learning, forgiveness and, eventually released.

Bio-Energy Healing

When someone attends for healing facilitation, they've already chosen to engage with themselves to the 'realness' of who they are.

Courage is needed for healing; I believe everyone has that potential

I was raised by my parents in Dublin and then Ardfert in County Kerry where I grew up with my siblings and cousins in the freedom of the countryside. We lived with my grandmother for 5 years and I was lucky enough to observe the deep faith she placed in God and the Divine.

She influenced my life in big ways, and even though I only knew her for a short time, she helped me to recognise and understand that I was aware of others’ energy fields.

Growing up I loved physical activity in the form of athletics, GAA, and soccer and the feeling it gave to me of robust energy, and connection to my body. However, I fell backwards in my health during my teens and again in my twenties, where I experienced anxiety and  low self esteem with my body weight and navigated for many years with bouts of anorexia and anxiety. Despite that I was very fortunate to have a constant deep reverance for life and even when battling periods of low mood, anxiety, depression, and obsessive controlling, I knew there was a path I could crawl back onto and re-plug my connection to being here in love with life again.  

I worked for 20 years as a chartered physiotherapist and was learning that the body is never a system that works independently of our mind or emotions. I suffered ‘work burn out’ over a slow sustained period, and began to understand that my own body needed far more ‘sustenance’ than just good nutrition and good quality of sleep.

Everyone Has Potential

Over the past 14 years since being awakened to this self -healing journey, I have learned to connect back to what I enjoy best in life.  This includes releasing old painful stories and hurts from the past, instead of running away from them.  It also includes focusing on the negative self-talk and observing my interactions with it, and I have also learned to ease back on the go-go and do-do attitude and enjoy having stillness and rest as part of my day, no matter how small.  No change is easy but taking small steps is often what’s needed to avoid overwhelm as they can make a huge impact.

Everyday we are creating our reality. We are so powerful, its simply so incredible to take this in. Especially now as so much is changing, and our choices impact us and our children, we can trust the source within ourselves even more to help guide us as to what to hold onto, and what to drop.