Body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit

Somatic Reclamation Therapy

Somatic Reclamation is about DE-activating trauma, opening your reflexes, and taking back your body.

Somatic Reclamation is the foundational process taught by Emily Waymire, Daniel Burge and their team at VAST training to help your body discharge old hurts by opening up your reflexes. 


These reflexes most often have been shut down since childhood, and in Somatic Reclamation (previously called Somatic Listening), I help you to relearn how to open these reflexes again. 

With the security of feeling safe, in a secure frame, I help you navigate what your body wants help with, as your body gives you the direction to know where to go, and then you can offload accumulated stress and trauma.


Imagine your nervous system being allowed to feel and then discharge?

And imagine your nervous system knowing that it is now SAFE to feel and discharge.

There are many reasons why we have accumulated and blocked-up nervous systems.  The charge from trauma is held in our bodies if no one was there to listen and hold non-judgemental safe attention to then move that charge. 

Without feeling safe to discharge, re-traumatising and hurt gets repeated again and again.

In Somatic Reclamation you now have the process available where you can somatically access your nervous system, and allow your reflexes to open again.

This is why you are taking back your body. And your body is so intelligent; this is important to know; it wants to discharge this accumulated stress, trauma, and hurt.


1:1 Session Prices (In person or via Zoom)


I trained with teachers Emily Waymire, a systemic family constellation teacher who created Vast Methodology (Visual Somatic Therapies) and Daniel Burge. Somatic Reclamation is the foundational step in these somatic therapies and I’m a Level 1 Trauma trained Somatic Therapist.

To be clear, this isn’t talk therapy, but many need to go to their content story before getting to discharge the hurt and stress. I’m not a trained or registered psychologist, counsellor or psychotherapist.

To give one example on a personal level I know this training has benefited me is the improved connection to listening to my son’s distress.  This is the gold nugget for me in really staying present to what he wants to get expressed. Before I would have tried pushing my agenda onto him, and refused to genuinely allow him  express his anger, pain, or hurt because of my discomfort, old trauma’s and wounds. I allowed it in small ways before, however now I hold a completely different stance and let him feel, express, and move what his body is telling him. Then he moves on. Just like that. He moves on from his distress and gets on with what a child wants to do next.

If you’re connecting to this type of work and would like more information about Somatic Reclamation, via a free 15 minute consult over the phone, just email me on the link below or via mobile +353 877957656. 


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